Sunday, July 7, 2013

Confessions of a Teenage Gym Rat - by Gabriella Broocks

What does a fifteen-year-old girl do with two hours to kill in Washington DC after school? I would have never imagined this three years ago, but I found that going to the gym is one of the most satisfying activities to do in my free time.

How many teenagers do you know who go to the gym every weekday? Probably not many. Most likely, there’s a reason for that. Many gyms come across as intimidating and working out isn’t exactly synonymous with fun. Even if they do want to go, most high-schoolers are too busy with homework and extracurriculars.

I belong to that small group that carves time out of the day to go to the gym. Right after school, I head over to the gym and exercise for about two hours. I’ve been going for so long that it’s become a routine. Now, it’s unusual for me to skip a workout. I look forward to having two hours to myself.
This pastime started after volleyball season ended and I was looking for a way to stay in shape. None of the winter sports offered at my school sounded fun to me. My mother suggested that we look at a neighborhood gym. I was really reluctant to go there at first, but I decided to give it a try. A teenager was such a rarity at the gym that everyone was especially welcoming. That made it something to look forward to.

Soon after, I learned that I would need surgery and the doctor recommended that I do more exercise as preparation. As soon as I had recovered from the operation, I went back to the gym because I missed going. Truthfully, it’s not that hard to get to the gym if you enjoy going. 
First, it’s easy to get to. The gym is only three blocks from my school. Also, it’s right next to the metro station, making it simple to go home on the days when my mom can’t pick me up. 
Second, the atmosphere is really pleasant. The gym I go to is small enough that everyone knows each other. When I get to the entrance, the staff member at the front desk greets me by name. When stopped going during volleyball season this year, one of the owners called my parents to ask about me.

For me, this friendly, personal environment is important because as a shy person I feel infinitely more at ease in a place where I everyone is a friend. For example, like many people, I like to read magazines while on the cardio equipment. However, all the magazines available were for adults, which aren’t always appropriate for my age group. So, I asked one of the owners if the gym could get a subscription to a teen magazine. To my delight, a couple of weeks later the magazine subscription appeared.

When a school friend of mine asks where I’m going, as we walk down the street, their eyes typically widen at my answer. Usually, they say something like, “Wow, I couldn’t imagine working out every day!” I just shrug; I go to the gym because vigorous exercise always feels good.

On those rare days when I don’t spend two hours at the gym, I’m amazed at how much free time I suddenly have after school. Then I wonder what I ever did with all this extra time before I got in the habit of going to the gym.

Gabriella is in the tenth grade at the Washington International School. Her favorite gym is City Fitness on Connecticut Avenue in Cleveland Park.