Monday, December 1, 2008

City Fitness helps you through the Holidays!

Here we are officially in the holiday season. There are family meals, work parties and holiday galas - how do you stay on track with your health and fitness goals? First, try to keep your gym routine intact. If you have an evening function, try to get into the gym in the morning so you do not miss a workout. Second, eat some of those holiday foods you do not get year-round, but moderate the amounts you eat and figure them into your day. Take smaller bites and actually enjoy what you are eating; drink beverages slowly (and better yet alternate them with glasses of water); add up your daily caloric intake and adjust your meals if you know you are going to have a little something extra. Let's all set a goal - no gaining weight this season. Let's find ourselves happy from holiday reveling on January 1st without feeling guilty for having a good time!

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